Dr. Samra Amin

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Doctor Samra Amin

Doctor Samra completed her early education from Queen Marry school based in Lahore, due to her exemplary performance she was awarded a scholarship in her Matriculation and FSC pre medical.

Perusing her interest in medicine she continued her education in the prestigious Allama Iqbal Medical College and was awarded a Gold Medal in the field of Gynecology. She later decided to get her house job at Jinnah hospital where she had the chance to cater to a large number of patients while working with the best and most qualified doctors in the country and also help the general masses.

She also got experience of almost 5 years in medicine ward. She later joined Fatimah Memorial Hospital and got her herself certified in reproductive and Sexual Medicine. She later completed her training in Family Medicine (MCPS) Membership of the college of Physicians and Surgeons.

Practice/ Experience/ Interest


Doctor Samra started her Practice in 2007.

She felt like Andrology was the field which has always been undermined and neglected. She really felt the pain and suffering of men when they where being miss treated or not treated at all for that matter

In her 25 years of experience, she has treated/ consulted more than 100,000 patients suffering from problems such as male infertility treatment like Vericicele Hydrocele Testicular Tumors, Orchialgia, Sexual Weakness like Premature Ejaculation, Spermatorrhea Night Falls, Erectile Dysfunction, Traumatic Mastrubatery Syndrome and Diabetes Management etc.

Doctor Samra Amin


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